Monday, September 10, 2012

Meatopia 2012

For me, Meatopia conjurs up thoughts of delicious morsels of slow cooked seasoned meats, filled with succulent juices, served up by smiling chefs just happy to be out of their confined the sun and the fresh air of a NYC park. My 3rd trip to Meatopia did NOT disappoint. MC Josh Ozersky and all involved in the production hit another home run.
The beautiful pasture of Randall's Island was a great spot(despite a short interruption by heavy rains)...The hardcores didn't let it spoil their day and the show went on. I will leave you with a sampling of the food that was available at Meatopia 2012(There was A LOT)
What else can I say but Viva La Carne!

Beers Provided by AMSTEL

Rib Steaks from Marc Forgione

Jamaican Jerk Pork Belly with All Spice Pickles by Scotty Smith

Andy Little's Scrapple with Chow Chow Vinaigrette

Joey Campanaro's Marinated Butcher Steak alla Caesar

Andy Alcorn competes in the Best Butcher Competition...First Round: Turkducken!

Josh Ozersky following the action
Butcher Competition Champ Armand "The Arm" Ferrante

Chefs man the grill at the Whole Foods Sausage Tent

A GIANT Steer from Pat LaFrieda Meats

Roasting Duck

Best Leg of Lamb I've ever had...

Meatopia 2012...(coming soon)

I went.
I ate.
I photographed.

Photos coming soon.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

Grass Fed NY Strip

I know it's been a while since I last posted some porn, so in honor of the upcoming MEATOPIA 2012
I thought I'd return with a nice Grass fed NY Strip that weighed in at just under 16oz. Seasoned with only Kosher Salt and Fresh Ground Black Pepper and grilled over Lump Charcoal.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to post food porn more consistently...

So here's my first offering of 2012...

Some pan seared Garlic Butter Shrimp with Parmesan Risotto and Steamed Broccoli